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On 21st of January 2013 the representatives of ITTI Ltd. took part in a seminar organized by the Centre for Political Research at the University of Warsaw and Cognitum and Laboratory of Modern Methods of Forecasting and Political and Socio-Economic Simulations. The seminar was entitled “The use of computer modeling in political governance.” During the four-hour meeting the following issues were discussed: Computer modeling – between theory and practice, Simulations in the regulatory impact assessment – a case study of maternal EU directive, Dilemmas of forecasting and international simulations, Modern solutions for crisis management, Use of simulation in the public administration activities. The seminar was an opportunity to get acquainted with the activity of the competitors on the market of computer modeling and simulation. During the off the record meetings the ITTI’s team managed to present the principles and instill the PROCeed ideas to the representatives of business, research industry …

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On 11th  of January 2013 the PROCeed product and educational decision-making game “Flood” were presented at the Faculty of Material Processing and Safety Engineering  at the Technological University in Czestochowa. The University organizer of the meeting was Mr. Wieslaw Kulma.  The meeting was attended, among others, by Vice-Dean for Science Association  Marcin Knapiński and Director of the Institute of Modeling and Automation of Plastic Processing  Henryk Dyja.  The idea of ​​using decision-making games in crisis management was met with positive reaction from the university personnel.

With the beginning of 2013 another project associated with the PROCeed platform has started. The aim  is to develop a tool called Training – Analytical Crisis Management Simulator (TASK). The project is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development. The tool will use simulation techniques to present a hypothetical emergency situation, based on computer modeling of the environment, risks, objects of protection, phenomena, behaviour and anti-crisis proceedings.  TASK will enable practicing decision-making, problem-solving and analysis of procedures effectivenes in a simulated emergency situation. The project will last two years, until December of 2014.

On 13th of  December 2012 the PROCeed platform was presented at the FREESIC workshop entitled “Problems of crisis communications services”.  The meeting was held at the Centre for Banking and Finance in Warsaw. The workshop participants discussed: practical issues related to the processes and cultural contextes, financial matters, legal, technical and security issues. Co-operation during crisis situations simulation was also practiced.

On 4th of December 2012 the Conference “Crisis management in the national security system” was held at the Department of National Security, National Academy of Defence in Warsaw. The conference was attended by leading representatives of the Government Security Centre, National Fire Services, Police and other public services and schools associated with the crisis management field. ITTI Ltd. was a, so-called, „brown sponsor” of the conference. During the meeting the PROCeed platform with its applications was broadly presented and FREESIC project activities were promoted.

On 30th of November 2012 PROCeed project was presented to the representatives of the Crisis Management and Safety Departament of the Poznan City Hall.  The meeting was attended by  Director Hieronim Węclewski, Deputy Director Robert Pękała and Maciej Kubiak.

The 5th edition of the Conference “Crisis Management Systems”, organized on 31st of October 2012, was devoted to modern solutions, addressed towards institutions and services responsible for maintaining security and crisis management.  The conference was organized by Multitrain enterprise. During the conference following issues were discussed: communication systems, data security, notification and early warning systems, modern equipment used by the emergency services and activities organization during crisis situations.

XXVIIIth National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks 2012 was held from 12th  to 14th of September 2012 at the Institute of Communications in National Institute for Research. The leitmotif of the Symposium was: „Towards the New Generation Network”. Symposium was held under the auspices of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sciences. National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Networks is a traditional annual meeting place for the representatives of scientific community, industry and operators working in telecommunications and ICT.  At the Symposium working issues of the various centers and companies are presented, as well as the results of national and European projects,. Atmosphere of Symposium especially encourages exchange of experience, discussion, establishing contacts and joint planning of future work.

On 13th of September 2012 ITTI team took part in the 17th  edition of the seminar “Crisis Management and Rescue Services – A Review of GIS Applications In Crisis Management And Rescue Services. The Seminar was another opportunity to present the results of our work.

In Gartner 2012 report,  which present development of new technologies, gamefication was placed almost at the top of the ranking. This means that games use in education approach the climax of its popularity. In the era of “Y generation”, gaming severely affects learning habits. As a result  representatives of “Y generation” actively benefit  from modern technology and digital media in every aspect of life, which has to reflect in the way which the learning content is provided.
