DAREnet Online Workshop Cycle

8-24 September 2020

Being members of the project team, we kindly invite you to participate in the DAREnet Online Workshop Cycle. The DAREnet project aims at strenghtening flood resilience in the entire Danube river region. For this purpose, the practitioners’ view on needs and innovations is essential. In order to collect this knowledge and allow for collaborative work, DAREnet invites groups of people from different domains and disciplines, organisations and countries to join this webinar on “equipment” in flood response and management.

The first webinar will focus on Hygienic Measures in the Context of Floods and will be held on 8th September 1.00-3.00PM. For more information and registration please visit https://www.cmine.eu/events/40434. The CMINE website provides information about other webimars organised by DAREnet project that will focus on Securing Evacuated Areas, Social Media Handling, Levee Defence, Levee Control and Flood Protection Measures, Water Rescue and Boat Operation.

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